Going for the one

Turn of the Century (858)

Turn of the Century (858)

Realising a form out of stone

Set hands moving

Roan shaped his heart

Thru his working hands

Work to mould his passion into clay

Like the sun

In his room, his lady

She would dance and sing so completely

So be still, he now cries

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Going for the One (530)

Going for the One (530)

Get the idea cross around the track

Underneath the flank of a thoroughbred racing chaser

Getting the feel as a river flows

Would you like to go n’ shoot the mountain masses

And here you stand no taller than the grass sees

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Parallels (652)

Parallels (652)

When you’ve tried most everything and nothing’s taking you higher

When you’ve come to realise, you’ve been playing with fire

Hear me when I say to you, it’s really down to your heart

It’s the beginning of a new love in sight

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High vibration go on

To the sun, oh let my heart dreaming

Past a mortal as me

Where can I be

(We can be) < --- [Notice Chris Squire here]

[Just a simple correction, but still an important one]

Wish the sun to stand still

Reaching out to touch our all being

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