Keys to ascension

Onward (548)

Onward (548)

Contained in everything I do

There’s a love, I feel for you

Proclaimed in everything I write

You’re the light

Burning, brightly

Onward through the night

Onward through the night

Onward through the night of my life

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The Revealing Science of God (2012)

The Revealing Science of God (2012)

Shrutis: The Revealing Science of God can be seen as an ever-opening

flower in which simple truths emerge examining the complexities and

magic of the past and how we should not forget the song that has

been left to us to hear. The knowledge of God is a search, constant

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That That Is Iv That Is

That That Is Iv That Is

That talk is just a worry and a worry in a man

That life is just a worrying and getting in a mess

That deal is just awakening his spirit to be giving him

The pleasure of the giving things within

That word is in it, that talk is in it

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(instrumental)Never underestimate the powerNever underestimate the power


The Giving Things

The Giving Things

That talk is just a worry and a worry in a manThat life is just a worrying and getting in a messThat deal is just awakening his spirit to be giving himThe pleasure of the giving things withinThis day is of a meeting of the manner to be borneAnd like a ship you come safely to the shore of love eternal


All In All

All In All

All in all the wisdom call, you shall be young, you shall be free

Watching for the signals that some easily

Take it as a point of love, a reference place to where you are

Every step a step to set you free

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That That Is Ii Crossfire

That That Is Ii Crossfire

Julie’s sick and tired of her job n’ all the reasons lately

She took it out on God and laid her soul to hell and let the baby


Julie’s child was born without a need or a reason for being

She took it as a message from a real and a distant life

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America (1028)

America (1028)

Let us be lovers

We’ll marry our fortunes together

I’ve got some real estate here in my bag

So we bought a pack of cigarettes

And Mrs. Wagner’s pies

And walked off to look for America

«Kathy» I said

As we boarded a Greyhound to Pittsburgh

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Be The One Ii Humankind

Be The One Ii Humankind

So we worked all around amidst the glory of life

Any fire of the flame would be made

Should the famine of change to diguise everyone

Who cannot see the soul of truth ready made

But all because we’re changing now

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How Did Heaven Begin

How Did Heaven Begin

These days are just a worry to the children of the world

These days are just a worry to the children of the world

How did heaven begin?

How did heaven begin?